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10 Tweets That All Dog Lovers Can Relate To

Our dogs are at the center of our lives. They are involved in everything we do. My dog even follows me to the bathroom! So, of course, it makes sense that we make a ton of tweets about them too. Here’s a list of 10 of the best dog tweets that the internet has to offer.

10. The Best Bath Bomb EVER

I don’t even care that there’s no room in there for me. I’m just happy that they’re having a good time.

9. Extreme Loyalty Goes Both Ways

You’re a good boy and I would lay down my life for you.

8. But Now I’m Enjoying a GREAT Bath

Mine does this too. I may be leaving the bathroom door unlocked on purpose…

7. Any Party With Dogs is LIT

When I finally find the animals at people’s house parties I’ve found where I truly belong for the rest of the night.

6. The Best Dining Companion

How did I ever truly enjoy my meals before I had those puppy eyes looking at me the whole time I was eating?

5. Get This Dog His Own Trampoline Now!

I would be running to the store immediately to buy my dog a trampoline if this happened in my house.

4. This is 100% True

Every dog is the best one in the world no matter what.

3. The Best Tree Topper

This dog mom has it all figured out. Now your Holiday season will never be brighter.

2. Dog Workout Routine

Put a picture on your gym wall of a Great Dane to give yourself the motivation to keep going!

1. This Grateful Boy

Every human needs to take a lesson from this boy on how to appreciate life.

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