Pets need us to keep them safe and healthy year-round. The winter months bring various issues that could impact your pet’s well-being. Being prepared and aware is essential for keeping your beloved fur baby protected and well. Here are some cold weather pet care tips to consider this winter!
Cold Weather Pet Care
Outdoor time is great for animals and humans alike, even during the colder winter days. However, it’s crucial to monitor your pet’s outdoor time and ensure that you aren’t putting them at risk for frostbite or hypothermia. If you’re the type of pet owner who puts your dog out and gets distracted, start setting a timer on your phone when Fido goes out to play. This will help you manage timelines on really cold days. Take advantage of warmer days to catch up on exercise and enjoy some shared winter activities. If your pet likes to spend time outdoors, ensure they have a warm shelter to retreat to. You can find some outdoor animal shelters on Furry Friends Gear’s blog.
While paws are tough and durable, they’re susceptible to damage in extreme weather. Consider picking up a set of booties for navigating the ice and snow during long walks and adventures. These are also great for outdoor cats who like to roam around the neighborhood. Remember to wipe off your animal’s paws when they come indoors to remove any toxins or ice build-up. Some of the treatments used for sidewalks contain antifreeze, which is highly toxic if your pet tries to lick it off their feet.

Many pet owners tend to think of hydration more as a summer issue. However, it’s equally important to keep in mind during the winter months. When considering cold weather pet care, also ensure your animal always has access to fresh water.
If you have cats, make it a habit to check your engine bay before you start your vehicle in the morning. Cats will often climb into a warm car during the winter months to stay cozy near the engine.
Like humans, many animals experience dry, itchy skin during the winter months. The difference is that it’s less noticeable to human eyes because the fur is in the way. Consider adding a coat-support supplement to your pet’s food to give them the fatty acids and nourishment they need for proper skin health. You can also use natural, animal-friendly moisturizers— coconut oil and shea butter, for example— to spot treat any dry, cracked skin. When it comes time to give your dog (or other pet) a bath, make sure to consider the ingredients to ensure their skin is cared for. We always recommend checking out dog shampoo guides and doing thorough research before purchasing!
Try to keep your pet off the ice, both in bodies of water and your yard. An older dog can seriously hurt their hips by slipping on the ice, especially if they’re running. Seemingly frozen lakes and ponds pose a drowning hazard— if it’s not safe for humans, it’s not safe for pets.
With these six tips, you can keep your pet happy and healthy all winter long. Thanks for reading! For more interesting pet content and custom pet products you can visit
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