7,000+ ★★★★★ Reviews

7,000+ ★★★★★ Reviews


The Cuddle Clones Aha Moment Ignites

Louisville, KY – Aug. 2, 2005 – Founder, Jennifer Williams, working as an actuary at the time was enjoying a gorgeous summer evening lounging around with her favorite fur-child, her Great Dane Rufus when she was hit with her Cuddle Clones “Aha Moment”.

Jennifer said, “We had just returned from a leisurely evening walk through Cherokee Park and I remember laying there with my head resting on Rufus’ shoulder nuzzled in close to him when I suddenly found myself thinking about not being able to always share moments like these with Rufus.”

That is the moment she began to think about how great it would be to have a custom stuffed animal that looked exactly like Rufus because a generic Great Dane stuffed animal would never even come close to resembling her beloved Rufus. You see, Rufus wasn’t just any Great Dane, he was a handsome and hulking harlequin with unique markings and different colored eyes.

But, after that evening life went on and several years passed with Jennifer loving every minute of it with her best friend Rufus, but Jennifer never completely let go of the idea she had on that day. Then, in the fall of 2009, her beloved Rufus began to get sick. After a very tough battle, Rufus passed away on Thanksgiving of that year. It was in her grief that day that Jennifer decided then and there that she would pursue the idea she had never quite let go of, and in doing so, honor Rufus’ memory. This was the day Jennifer committed to doing everything in her power to make Cuddle Clones a company that would not only provide a unique, quality product to pet-lovers everywhere but also a company that would give back to the pet community whenever and wherever possible through pet-related causes and animal charities.

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