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The Cuddle Clones Chronicle | February 2022

Welcome to the February 2022 edition of TheCuddle Clones Chronicle, amonthly round-up featuring news you need to know and pet stories of interest from around the country. We keep up with the pet-related articles of interest from around the country and the world so you can too!This month, we explore the booming private industry that is support animals, the #BettyWhiteChallenge, a snowbirding New England feline, and much more. 

Have you come across a piece of pet news that justneeds to be shared? Send us a link to the article atmarketing@cuddleclones.com and it may be included in next month’s Cuddle Clones Chronicle!

Black and white photo of dog giving a haircut

Growing Call for Canine Companions Pushes Market Growth

“Our family is very likely to end up with two service dogs,” Jenni Mahnaz of Troy, NY said. “I think we’re probably looking at $10,000 per dog.” As demand for service dogs has exploded in recent years, stories like these have become increasingly common! However, demand has wildly outpaced the supply available from traditionally non-profit organizations who provide service dogs to folks in need for a small fee, and a growing for-profit market is severely lacking in the oversight needed to ensure folks aren’t being taken for a ride. Read the full story at NBC News.


Baby pug cuddling with owner

Pets Prove Love At First Sight

Now for some news that will surprise approximately 0% of the Cuddle Clones community! According to a recent survey conducted by Pollfish, 82% of Americans reported a feeling of “love at first sight” upon meeting their pets for the first time. A further 36% of Americans went on to say that their pet is their closest and most cherished companion. Given just how much we love our pets here, we’re surprised these numbers aren’t higher!Read the full story at Fox News.


Cat and dog together in the snow

Cat Presumed Lost Found Snowbirding in Florida

Let’s be frank: most of us don’t like winter. However, for one Maine family, this feeling has taken on a new and bizarre twist! Over six years ago, the Cilley family’s cat Ashes disappeared during a family birthday party. Presumed lost or the victim of a predator, imagine the family’s surprise when six full years later they received a phone call letting them know Ashes had been found over 1,500 miles away in Florida. We’ve all heard of snowbirding, but this is ridiculous! Read the full story at ABC News.

Sad pug

Returning Workforce Creates Dangers of Depression in Dogs

As lockdown and COVID-preventative measures continue to loosen around the world, millions of previously remote employees are returning to the office. However, experts are warning pet owners everywhere that this return to “normality” may have massive impacts on the lives and wellbeing of our furry friends. Experts warn of a massive increase in depression, anxiety, and rates of aggression amongst pets experiencing separation anxiety.Read the full story at Express.

Betty White on the red carpet

#BettyWhiteChallenge Celebrates Late Icon’s Centennial

Anyone who knows anything about American media icon Betty White knows that in addition to her incomparable comedic timing and unmatched television resume, White was an ardent animal welfare advocate! The former Golden Girl passed mere weeks from her 100th birthday, and the ripples were felt across the world. In honor of her centennial, fans from around the world started the #BettyWhiteChallenge, urging folks to make donations to their local animal shelters. Over $12 million in donations later, it’s clear that this challenge was a massive success!Read the full story at Variety.

Pig standing in the grass

New York Man Fights to Keep Emotional Support Swine

Pets are beloved and irreplaceable parts of our family, but for one unique pet owner in Canajoharie, NY, that notion is being challenged. Wyvern Flatt is the proud owner of a 110-pound emotional support potbellied pig. However, according to his village, Flatt is illegally harboring a farm animal, and the two-sides are headed for a showdown.Read the full story at US News.

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