
Low Maintenance Pets: Are Easy Pets Truly the Best Choice?

We certainly don’t need to list the reasons why owning a pet is a great idea, but we do know that if you have a busy life, owning a pet may be overwhelming. Luckily, there are many low maintenance pets if you are still looking to cuddle up with, look at, or adore a cute animal.

Here are our top 7 best low maintenance pets.


Hamster cupped in a young girl's hands

7. Hamsters: A Perfect Example of Low Maintenance Pets

Taking care of a hamster is easy once they have the proper cage. Hamsters are generally loving and docile animals but are very curious making them fun to watch. Putting down bedding, such as paper bedding which absorbs urine will ensure that you won’t need to worry about their bathroom needs as routinely as you would with a dog. The best part? Hamsters are sold at almost all pet stores!


Green-eyed cat looking up

6. Cats: Among The Best Low Maintenance Pets

If you claim that you are not a “cat person”, have you ever tried owning a cat? Cats are actually pretty independent and self-sufficient creatures,  especially for those looking for low maintenance pets. Although their aloof demeanor may sometimes suggest otherwiseats still secretly love human interaction whether they show it or not. A cozy corner, an interactive toy, or a comfortable bed can turn your home into a pet paradise and your cat will love you for it!


Goldfish swimming in a bowl

5. Goldfish: One of the Easiest Pets to Take Care Of

Ahh, the goldfish. Generally, the most low maintenance pet of all. Makes sense why it is usually a child’s first pet, right? Taking care of a goldfish is incredibly easy. While it is a myth that goldfish can survive long-term in a small tank without a filter, they can handle a normal fishbowl while you’re getting set up. Fortunately, there’s not much more you need to do besides occasionally clean the tank and feed ‘em.


Two Guinea Pigs eating lettuce

4. Guinea pigs: Easy Pets Full of Excitement

If you are looking for a pet that will be as happy to see you as you are to see them, a guinea pig is a great option. Many people find that the affectionate nature of guinea pigs, their responsiveness to human interaction, and their relatively easy care regimen make them an ideal choice for children or for those who are new to pet ownership. They’re known for “popcorning”, where they jump in the air from excitement- cute, right? Their diet, primarily made up of fresh vegetables and hay, is straightforward and they don't require much grooming except for some breeds with longer hair.  Similar to hamsters and mice, they do not require much more than a proper cage with straw, food, and water.


Three sea monkeys swimming

3. Sea Monkeys: Unique, Fun, and Easy Pets

Ever heard of them? The sea monkey, created in 1957 as a hybrid of the brine shrimp is a great low maintenance pet that you can actually grow yourself! They must be fed about once a week, making them very easy to take care of.


A yellow snake crawling into its owners hands

2. Snakes: A Different Take on Low Maintenance Pets

Although a snake may sound like a scary pet to own to some, they are a very good option if you are looking for a low maintenance pet. All they need is a warm tank, some foliage, and some mice or rats to feast on every few weeks, depending on their size and breed. (So maybe don’t have both a snake and a mouse as your choice of low maintenance pets… sounds a bit contradicting)


Close up of a colorful needs

1. Birds: Beautiful and Among the Easiest Pets to Take Care Of

Last but not least, a bird is a beautiful option for a low maintenance pet. In fact, you can choose the type of bird that works best for you. Some smaller birds don’t require much human interaction while others do. Choosing the right bird breed according to your lifestyle can be crucial. Budgies, for instance, are small and relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for first-time bird owners. They are sociable, friendly, and even capable of mimicking human speech. Canaries, on the other hand, are known for their beautiful songs and don't require as much interaction, making them a perfect fit for those who want a low maintenance pet with a musical touch.


What’s also fun is that some birds are able to learn and interact similar to the way a dog does!

Do any of these pets interest you? While these are great options if you’re looking for easy pets, please know that there is a difference between low maintenance and no maintenance. Please do not get one of these top 7 easiest pets to take care of if it will not receive appropriate, researched care. But if you’re ready to put in a bit of time and effort, you could find that one of these animals is the perfect low maintenance pet for you!

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