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Top 10: Ways To Bond With Your Dog

10. Visit other dogs at a dog park.

Let your pup run free and meet new friends!

9. Develop a walking routine and stick to it every day.

You’ll meet new friends, and the exercise will be good for both of you.

8. Take your dog to work.

It’s becoming more common for companies to allow their employees to bring pets to work, so why not! Izzy, the Cuddle Clones intern, frequently comes into the office to get “work” done, although, she’s not very productive and really just wants to be pet by everyone walking by the office!

7. Enter a dog competition.

This can be a beauty competition or training competition, just work together and win!

6. Take your pup on errands with you.

A lot of dogs like riding in the car, so why not bring them along? Just be aware of the temperature and don’t leave them in the car for too long.

5. Visit nursing homes or hospitals.

You’ll have to check the rules first, but animals can be great healers!

4. Go to the park with your dog.

You can play frisbee, take a hike, or have a picnic. You’re sure to do some great people-watching at the park, and maybe some squirrel watching too!

3. Routinely brush their fur.

Most dogs like how it feels and love the attention, not to mention it will help with shedding.

2. Cozy up and watch a movie.

Your dog may not care about the flick, but he’ll enjoy the quality bonding time. Add popcorn and dog treats for an extra good time!

1. Go on a road trip.

It can be a few hours or a day trip, just go somewhere new and have a new experience.

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