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10 Positively Precious Pictures of Pit Bulls

Many of us know that pit bulls can be some of the most loyal, lovable dogs around. Indeed, it is their strong love for and loyalty to their owners that often are manipulated to make them willing to fight – a behavior that is actually common amongst basically all dogs. Yet still, decades of thinking of them as aggressors can create a bias that we need to continually address to ensure their humane treatment.

Along those lines, here are 10 photos of pit bulls that will show that they really are just another breed of human’s best friend! When you get to the end, ask yourself if these photos are in line with what you hear or dare we say might even believe about them.

10. Cuddle Time is Calling

Here’s Hamlet, a loveable rescue who clearly wants nothing more than any of us – to feel loved and secure above all else, and maybe a couple of cuddle sessions a day!

9. Getting in the Holiday Spirit

Look at this precious pit bull all dressed up in holiday spirit – she appears to be practicing for when she finds herself under the mistletoe!

8. Just One More Bedtime Story

This pretty pittie really loves her bedtime stories, just look at her sitting while listening so intently!

7. Blending In

Look at this pittie who loves to play, especially hide-n-seek! Can’t you just see her thinking “If I stand really still, they’ll never see me..”

6. A Case of The Mondays

This adorable dude hates Mondays just as much as the rest of us! He certainly says it all with his eyes?

5. Styling & Profiling

They don’t take themselves too seriously, and as a result are always the life of a party. Just look at these two boys who are ready to “Put out the vibe.”

4. Always By His Side

Check out old Blue here, he doesn’t appear to have left little Ollie’s side in 5 years. Giving more cred to the breed as the OG nanny dog.

3. Too Cute Not to Sploot

They do some of the most adorable sploots! Just look at how sweet Lexi looks!

2. Rolling With The Homies

Like this hulking guy and his tiny crew, they make friends of all shapes and sizes!!

1. Straight Cheesin’

Do you see her precious smile? Nuff, said.

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