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The Cuddle Clones Chronicle - March 2022 Edition

Spring is in the air, friends! Days are longer, temperatures are higher, and our spirits are boosted. There’s no better time to get outside and shake off the winter cobwebs than right now! As the seasons change, so do the pet stories of interest from around the globe, and we’re here to make sure you keep up with the news you need to know!

Welcome to the March 2022 edition of The  Cuddle Clones Chronicle, a monthly round-up featuring pet news and animal stories of interest from around the world. This month, we’re exploring stories featuring the positive health benefits of pet ownership (as if any of us are surprised), the fearless adventures of a daredevil pup, and the impact of the Russo-Ukrainian War on shelter pets.

This Month’s Stories

Have you come across a piece of pet news that justneeds to be shared? Send us a link to the article at  marketing@cuddleclones.com and it may be included in next month’s Cuddle Clones Chronicle!


Wartime Shelter Constructed for Weary Ukrainian Pets

The senseless ongoing conflict between the Ukranians and the Russian invaders has sent shockwaves of chaos and discontent around the globe. Countless lives have been lost and we wish to extend our deepest and most profound condolences to everyone affected by the violence in the region.

Sadly, our furriest friends and family members have not gone unaffected by the tragic event. In an effort to save the lives of pets and animals displaced by violence, a German organization has set up a makeshift shelter on the border of Ukraine and Poland. 

However, resources are scarce, and volunteers have tragically lost their lives to the hands of Russian forces as they attempted to deliver dog food and other critical supplies.  Read the full story from CBS News.

Furbabies Over Family As Pet Owners Return to the Office

March 23rd is National Puppy Day. In honor of what could possibly be the cutest holiday to ever exist, Wag! conducted a survey asking pet owners who they will miss more when they return to the office: their human family or their furry family?

It went exactly as you would expect.

According to the survey’s findings, over 40% of pet parents said they would miss their pet more than their human family. Their pets are likely to feel the same, as rates of pet separation anxiety have skyrocketed since COVID.  Read the full story from People.com.

Daredevil Dogs Leaves Firefighters in Disbelief

How would you react if you saw a dog standing alone on top of an apartment building? If you answered “with overwhelming panic, oh goodness, please someone do something this instant, oh no!”, we’re with you. 

One concerned citizen of Hazelton, PA felt that exact same way when they reported a dog trapped on the roof of a local apartment complex to police. However, the firefighters arriving on the scene were in for quite the shocking surprise.

According to the apartment complex’s residents, this is a common occurrence, as the pooch loves to sunbathe on the 3rd floor roof. Scary stuff!  Read the full story from People.com.

“Code Red” Crisis for Tulsa Animal Welfare

This story will be especially near and dear to the members of our Cuddle Clones community from Oklahoma. Tulsa Animal Welfare, the area’s primary animal welfare organization, has issued a “code red” warning, signaling that shelters are dangerously full.

According to Tulsa Animal Welfare, more than 60 animals were surrendered in the past two days alone. Unfortunately, shelters everywhere struggle to maintain the resources necessary to care for their pet populations, and this large increase only serves to add additional pressure to already scarce supplies.

Unfortunately, once shelter populations reach critical mass, pets are likely to be euthanized, and none of us want that. So, if you are a Tulsa local, or live nearby, now is the time to consider adopting. You may save more than one life in the process.  Read the full story from KTUL.

Is Your Dog Snacking on Shark Meat?

Many of us are hyper-vigilant when it comes to the ingredients in our pet’s food. However, despite our best efforts, it’s entirely possible that many pet owners have been unwittingly feeding their pups the meat of the endangered Blue Shark.

According to a study published in  Frontiers in Marine Science, over a third of food samples surveyed in Singapore revealed genetic material from sharks. Similar results were found in a 2019 study right here in the United States.

According to the article, Most products the researchers sampled used generic terms like “fish,” “ocean fish,” “white bait,” or “white fish,” instead of shark, per the study. Some listed “tuna” or “salmon,” and others did not include fish as an ingredient at all."  Read the full story from Smithsonian Mag.

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